Father Paschal Scallon CM
Father Paschal is Irish and a member of the Vincentian Community, the Congregation of the Mission. He was ordained in 1991 having attended a school run by the Vincentians in Dublin. He is currently serving as the Provincial of the Vincentian Community in Ireland and Britain.
In his ministry, Father Paschal has worked at different times as a teacher and as a pastor in a college and parish in which the Vincentians have served for almost 200 years. Father Paschal has also served on the Vincentian parish mission team, whose ministry reaches back to the origins of St Vincent’s community 400 years ago, when St Vincent De Paul himself, with others – men and women – set out to preach the Gospel and address the needs of people in poverty in rural France at a time when that country was stricken by war and the neglect that inevitably comes with it. He has served in Vincentian communities in Dublin and Belfast.
Over the years, Father Paschal has completed further studies in ecumenism, the study of inter-faith and inter-church relations, and in pastoral theology and has contributed to various publications including co-editing a book called A Church with a Future.
At present he is involved in the animation and administration of the Province of Ireland of the Vincentian Community but hopes, on completing his term as Provincial, to return to parish missions, a ministry he believes still has much to offer in the encouragement of parish communities so that they themselves can become the inspired animators of the faith to whom others around them will respond. https://vincentians.ie/
For our Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer for 27 February 2025
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND – 17.00
INDIA Time – 8:30 p.m. IST
PAKISTAN Time – 9:00 p.m. PST
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion Mulhall and introduction to our 27 February 2025 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday our prayer leader Father Paschal Scallon CM. ( Nephew of the late Father Kevin Scallon CM ) will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade.
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Paschal Scallon Prayer responders Damien and Dana Scallon founders DS Music to affirm Catholics in their faith, through prayer and music recordings. They composed ”Lady of Knock” and other hymns. https://dsmusicstore.com Dana was Ireland’s first winner of the Eurovision Song Contest.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Paschal Scallon prayer responder Dermot Mannion International Coordinator Global Rosary Relay and Worldpriest Global Apostolate Associate. https://www.worldpriest.com/annual-global-rosary-relay/
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Paschal Scallon prayer responder Doctor Tim Flanagan an Infectious disease specialist from Rhode Island USA and advisory board member to Worldpriest INC. USA.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Paschal Scallon prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate https://www.worldpriest.com/
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Paschal Scallon prayer responder Ivette Margarita Valle Konstantopoulou, a friend to Worldpriest from Pyrgos in Greece and Worldpriest Representative for Greece.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer for the 27 February by Father Paschal Scallon to all prayer participants and to all who will later pray via YouTube.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 30 January Bishop Joseph Coffey led the first Virtual rosary Thursday for the year 2025, praying with the Worldpriest Global Apostolate prayer community and friends. At any time of your choosing pray with this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/0WSfU4cbxzA
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Bishop Joseph Coffey
Bishop Joseph L. Coffey, son of the late Dr William F.X. Coffey and Roseanita Schubert Coffey, was born in Rochester, Minnesota, on 31 May 1960. He is the fifth of nine children and the proud uncle of forty-six nieces and nephews and twenty-one great nieces and nephews. He was raised in Philadelphia and is a life-long fan of all the Philly sports teams.
Bishop Coffey graduated from La Salle University in 1982 with a double major in English and French, which included a year’s study at the Sorbonne University in Paris. After college, he worked as a schoolteacher, a ski instructor in Switzerland and in the car industry in Germany and Belgium for five years.
Heeding a call to the priesthood, he attended St Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia and graduated with a Master of Divinity degree (MDiv) and was ordained in 1996 by Anthony Cardinal Bevilacqua. He earned a Master of Arts (MA) in Moral Theology, also from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in 2000. While still in the seminary Father Coffey was given permission by Cardinal Bevilacqua to enter the United States Navy Chaplain Candidate Programme in May 1992, with the rank of ensign. He stayed in the Navy Reserve for the next nine years. Following ordination in 1996, Bishop Coffey was assigned as an Associate Pastor to St Katherine of Siena parish in Philadelphia.
Register Here for our first Virtual Rosary Thursday prayer time for 2025
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND – 17.00
INDIA Time – 8:30 p.m. IST
PAKISTAN Time – 9:00 p.m. PST
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion Mulhall and introduction to our 30 January 2025 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Bishop Joseph Coffey. Prayer leader will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Bishop Joseph Coffey.
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Bishop Joseph Coffey Prayer responders Dave and Joan Maroney Mother of Mercy Messengers Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. DivineMercyforAmerica.org
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Bishop Joseph Coffey prayer responder James Coffey Senior Vice President of Development at the Papal Foundation USA. Our Mission – The Papal Foundation
- Third Luminous Mystery –Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Bishop Joseph Coffey prayer responder Valerie Parzyck Parish Catechetical Leader/Director of Youth Ministry at Saint John Vianney Church Vermont USA a team member with Worldpriest Global Apostolate USA . www.stjohnvianneyvt.org
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Bishop Joseph Coffey prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate Home – World Priest
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Bishop Joseph Coffey prayer responder John O’Grady a friend to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Chicago USA
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our first Rosary Thursday time of prayer for the 30 January by Bishop Joseph Coffey to all prayer participants and to all who will pray via YouTube.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
He was in the world, and the world came to be through him, but the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, but his own people did not accept him.
But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name, who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man’s decision but of God.
And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth. John 1:1–5, 9–14
May we wish all cardinals, bishops, priests, friends, benefactors, Global Rosary Relay participants, Virtual Rosary Thursday participants, Worldpriest representatives, volunteers, and all members of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate team a very happy Christmas a holy and a blessed New Year for 2025.
Marion Mulhall
Founder – Worldpriest Global Apostolate

Aloysius Kiribaki, pictured with the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay 2024 Award which was won by Uganda.
On 7 June 2024 members of the Legion of Mary in Uganda came together individually and in the company of families, friends and fellow parishioners to take part in the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests 2024.
This special global day of prayer is held on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a day designated by St John Paul II in 2003 as a World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests. Since 2010 this unique relay has swept around the world. In recent years technology – including social media channels – has permitted countless millions of people to participate. On the designated day in 2024 it is estimated that over 300,000 people in Uganda lifted their voices in the recitation of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. https://www.worldpriest.com/annual-global-rosary-relay/
The Legion of Mary, one of the most active lay apostolate movements and the largest in Uganda, showed its strength by facilitating participation at both local and national level. Preparations had begun two months in advance of the relay. A poster was circulated nationwide, using various media channels, calling upon all Catholics to participate on 7 June, while the Legion of Mary’s Senatus of Uganda promoted the event by raising awareness at national level.
Some of the pilgrims who joined in the Global Rosary Relay in Uganda.
The relay on 7 June was widespread and heartfelt. There were reports of participation from many regions around the country, including Regia, Comitia and Curiae, and the event was joined in a spirit of widespread enthusiasm and determination. Even those in transit using public transport joined in prayer – further demonstrating the deep-rooted faith and commitment by very large numbers of men and women around the country.
Members of the Legion of Mary who joined in the prayers for priests.
Overall the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests united Uganda in prayer and devotion. It underscored the power of collective prayer and the unifying force of faith. Such an amazing response to this annual global event make Uganda a well-deserved winner of this Annual Award for 2024. https://youtu.be/6LdwRpCOkbk
‘May this relay become a cherished annual tradition in Uganda, inspiring even greater participation and devotion in the years to come’.
Aloysius Kiribaki,
Senatus of Uganda (Legion of Mary)
Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday
21 November 2024 pray via YouTube with Father Frank Drescher, a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland, and our Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday leader on that day. You are most welcome to join Father Drescher along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate prayer community at a time of your choosing to pray with the final Virtual Rosary Thursday prayer time for 2024. http://youtu.be/A2cdZM6tqL4
The next Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday will take place on 30 January 2025, led by Bishop Joseph Coffey Auxiliary Bishop for Archdiocese of Military Service USA, a wonderful blessing for a new year to have a bishop lead our time of Rosary prayer.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here. . https://www.worldpriest.com/rosary-thursday/
Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday Dates and scheduled prayer leaders for 2025 Click to download and save the dates

Father Frank Drescher
Father Frank Drescher, originally from Germany, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Dublin, currently serving as the parish priest of Kilnamanagh-Castleview. He completed his studies in the theology of spirituality at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, where he earned a licentiate degree in sacred theology. Fr Frank is the author of a book on spiritual direction and another containing scriptural meditations on the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Additionally, he has published several scholarly articles in the fields of theology, philosophy, and religious studies. His pastoral ministry is focused on fostering spiritual growth and guiding the faithful to deepen their relationship with God through prayer and contemplation.
Register Here
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. The Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND – 17.00
INDIA Time – 8:30 p.m. IST
PAKISTAN Time – 9:00 p.m. PST
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 21 November 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Father Frank Drescher, our prayer leader will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Frank Drescher.
Parish of St. Kevin and St. Kilian Church Kilnamanagh-Castleview
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Frank Drescher Prayer responder Mary Stenson President, Legion of Mary Immaculata Curia, Dublin South, Ireland legionofmary.ie
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Frank Drescher prayer responder Father Barney McGuckian S.J. Chaplain to the Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Frank Drescher prayer responder. Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Frank Drescher prayer responder Gloria Bautista a friend to the worldpriest Global Apostolate from California USA .
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Frank Drescher prayer responder Niall Kennedy KCSG Chairman Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer for the 21 November 2024 by Father Frank Drescher to all prayer participants and to all who will pray via YouTube.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 31 October 2024 Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/czJ5EpM6o_E
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

After assignments in the Vatican Curia, as Spiritual Director in various seminaries, and as a commentator for media networks, Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo is fulfilling a lifelong dream of immersing himself in the lives of the saints. In the Diocese of Assisi, where he is currently serving, he has followed the life of the first millennial Blessed, Carlo Acutis, whose witness, normal and holy, has inspired countless numbers of people from throughout the world and all walks of life to want to know this young saint of our times and follow his simple roadmap to holiness.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer reflecting the daylight-saving time change for October 2024.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 13.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 11.00
UK/IRELAND – 17.00
INDIA Time – 8:30 p.m. IST
PAKISTAN Time – 9:00 p.m. PST
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 26 September 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo.
Prayer leader will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo.
The Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo Prayer responders. Miss Shazia Tellis General Secretary of CBCK, Speaker, and organiser Coordinator of St. Patrick’s Cathedral Saddar group Karachi and member also.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo prayer responders Rick and Molly Jesse friends to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Burlington Vermont USA. Founders of http://www.makewatersafe.org/
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo prayer responder. Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate https://www.worldpriest.com/
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo prayer responder Valerie Parzyck Parish Catechetical Leader/Director of Youth Ministry St. John Vianney Parish Church South Burlington, VT https://stjohnvianneyvt.org/
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo prayer responder Dermot Mannion International Coordinator Global Rosary Relay and Worldpriest Global Apostolate Associate.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing by Monsignor Anthony Figueiredo to all prayer participants with a relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer for the 31 October 2024 to all prayer participants and to all who will pray via YouTube.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 26 September 2024 Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ , led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/eDVRSTi98uA?si=XIpcZVqzB3plIGnv
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ
Dr Alan McGuckian SJ is the Bishop of Down and Connor since March 2024. He previously served as Bishop of Raphoe for six years. Before being appointed bishop in 2017 he served as a Jesuit priest in secondary education, communications and diocesan renewal. When he worked in the Jesuit Communication Centre in Dublin he founded Sacred Space, a prayer website that is used daily by thousands of people, now available in 15 different languages.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
INDIA Time – 8:30 p.m. IST
PAKISTAN Time – 9:00 p.m. PST
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 26 September 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Bishop Alan McGuckian.
Prayer leader will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Bishop Alan McGuckian.
St. Peter’s Cathedral Belfast city
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Bishop Alan McGuckian Prayer responders John and Bridie O’Grady friends of Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Chicago USA .
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Bishop Alan McGuckian prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate https://www.worldpriest.com/
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Bishop Alan McGuckian prayer responder. Angela McClellan Director of Evangelization National Centre for Padre Pio – Barto, PA USA www.padrepio.org
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Bishop Alan McGuckian prayer responder Amelia 10 years of age and a member of the Children’s Rosary Group. www.childrensrosary.org
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Bishop Alan McGuckian prayer responder Niall Kennedy KCSG Chairman Worldpriest Global Apostolate. https://www.worldpriest.com
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer for the 26 September 2024 by Bishop Alan McGuckian to all prayer participants and to all who will pray via YouTube.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 29 August 2024 Father Benjamin Shahzad from Pakistan, led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/VHCdQr437Bk?feature=shared
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Father Benjamin Shahzad
Rev Father Benjamin Shahzad is a priest in the Archdiocese of Karachi, Pakistan, where he is rector of St Patrick’s Cathedral.
As well as being a missionary priest he was also engaged as a teacher in the formation of student priests in his diocese.
He was born in 1967 in Hyderabad in the province of Sindh in south-eastern Pakistan. He enrolled in the seminary there in 1982 and was ordained in 1999. .
He began his ministry in 1992 at St Thomas’s Parish, Malir, in the Archdiocese of Karachi. He was later appointed as parish priest and took responsibility for one of the largest parishes of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Karachi – St Paul’s Parish from 1999 to 2002.
Later in 2002 he moved to Italy, where he completed higher studies. On his return to Pakistan he was appointed to serve as Rector of St Pius X Minor Seminary from 2005 to 2012. He was then appointed as Rector of Christ the King Major Seminary for the guidance and preparation of young church leadership in the Archdiocese of Karachi from 2012 to 2019.
Having served a long period as a rector of minor and major seminaries, he moved to serve local communities. As a caring pastor, he became parish priest of St Phillip’s Parish, Gulshan EIqbal from 2019 to 2021, moving to St Paul’s Parish Mehmoodabad from June 2021 to July 2023. Later in 2023 he was also appointed as Rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral Karachi.
Fr Shahzad is renowned as a preacher, religious broadcaster, presenter, content writer, hymnal lyricist and motivational speaker. He presents daily Gospel reflections on the Good News Facebook TV channel of the Catechetical Centre Karachi and on his personal YouTube Channel.
He is a devoted disciple of Christ and the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the spiritual mother of all priests. Father Shahzad is very supportive of Worldpriest Global Apostolate, and always facilitates and encourages participation in the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay each year and the Rosary Thursday Prayer on the last Thursday of each month for the sanctification of priests worldwide.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
INDIA Time – 8:30 p.m. IST
PAKISTAN Time – 9:00 p.m. PST
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 29 August 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Father Benjamin Shahzad.
Prayer leader will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Benjamin Shahzad.
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Karachi Pakistan
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Benjamin Shahzad Prayer responder Anne Brady Director Worldpriest Global Apostolate Ireland.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Benjamin Shahzad prayer responder Roseanne Fernandes Legion of Mary Our Lady of Lourdes Presidium of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Karachi, Pakistan.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Benjamin Shahzad prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Benjamin Shahzad prayer responder Naveed Anjum Worldpriest Representative for Pakistan.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Benjamin Shahzad prayer responder Michelle Hassan Executive Assistant to the International Director, Holy Cross Family Ministries Boston Massachusetts USA.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer of the 29 August to be prayed by Rev. Father Benjamin Shahzad to all prayer participants.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On 25 July 2024 Deacon Don Devaney, led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/stolvW36PWI?si=0_qwukqiRgbtrqUV
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Now in its fifteenth year, the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests has once again seen the world enveloped in prayer for the ministry of priests around the globe. Greatly assisted by technology and social media, along with conventional communications channels, the Global Rosary Relay has, in a sense, reached saturation point, as Catholics – people of all countries, cultures and ages around the globe – participated in vast numbers on 7 June, the feast of the Sacred Heart.
While acknowledging the huge success of this extraordinary prayer event, Worldpriest founder Marion Mulhall states that global penetration can reach even higher levels, like a pebble in a lake rippling out and further out. This is how she sees the GRR expanding, locally, nationally and globally. Over time it will reach far and wide into every corner, until it touches every individual, worldwide.
‘I believe we can build on the success we have achieved in terms of geographical coverage’, she says. ‘Using all available technology there is scope for each prayer location to expand its influence within each country, by promoting and inviting many more participants. So while we may have covered every corner of the world, there is a wonderful opportunity to build further on that amazing foundation’.
This powerful video promotion, produced by Colm Flynn of EWTN fame and a director of Worldpriest, greatly contributes to the success of the event. https://youtu.be/qHHwydzEFJ0?si=dfc0KSt25R4AjtNM
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, USA.
The relay this year was given significant acceleration in the United States, when Bishop John O’Hara of the Archdiocese of New York – a recently appointed director of Worldpriest Inc. in the United States – led the Global Rosary Relay time of prayer from St Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. His participation heightened awareness throughout the United States and beyond and significantly increased participation this year, not forgetting that currently every state has a participating prayer location, while many have much more than one as the prayer expansion, interest and awareness continues.
Father Benjamin Shehzad and Father Dilawar Samuel pictured with Archbishop Benny Mario Travas.
Mary’s Guidance – a gift to priests and faithful –Archbishop Benny Mario Travas of Karachi
The Archdiocese of Karachi witnessed an event on 27 June 2024 as Archbishop Benny Mario Travas presided over a special rosary prayer service at St. Patrick’s Cathedral, praying for the sanctification of priests worldwide. This momentous occasion marked the beginning of a new initiative by the archdiocese to promote prayer for priestly sanctification.
The service was attended by a large number of priests, religious and lay faithful, who gathered in unity to pray for the spiritual fathers of the Church. The event was organised by the Worldpriest Global Apostolate, in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Karachi and was held on the last Thursday of the month, which is designated as Worldpriest Rosary Thursday.
Special mention is made to the dedicated work of our Worldpriest representative for Pakistan, Naveed Anjum, and his team Worldpriest PK for his untiring efforts that add to the success of the relay year upon year. Naveed has once again delivered astonishing results again this year for people all over Pakistan and the Global Rosary Relay Prelude was graced this year by the presence of the Archbishop of Karachi, Benny Mario Travas. Naveed and his team have great expertise in maximising the power of social media and various novel promotions which proved to be highly effective.
Attendance at Nuestra Madre Santisima de La Luz Parish Church Mexico.
The Annual Global Rosary Relay on 7 June 2024 at Family Rosary Mexico
The Annual Global Rosary Relay was coordinated locally by Family Rosary Mexico. The Rosary was prayed in two parishes in Guadalupe and Nuevo León, México.
Nuestra Madre Santisima de La Luz Parish led by Fr Armando Morales, CSC
About 100 hundred people gathered to pray for the sanctification and needs of priests. Among them there were the Holy Cross Priests, Armando Morales, the pastor at La luz and Fr Angel de la Cruz and Fr Marín Hernandez; as well as the Sisters of the Holy Cross, including Sr Areli and Sr Esperanza.
Some of the groups from the parish took turns to lead a mystery, as for example, ACTS Women and Men, Liturgy, Prayer Group for Vocations, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Bible Group, among others.
Holy Family Parish led by Father Arturo Alberto Guzmán Lara
The Rosary was attended by about 80 people. The following groups took turns to lead the Rosary: a group of older brothers, Bible Group, Matrimonies, Father Peyton Group and Cristeros Group.
The Rosary was followed by Mass and flowers were offered to Jesus. The special prayer cards for priests were distributed among all people to continue praying with their families for all priests.
After mass, food and refreshments were offered to participants.
‘I leave this Rosary with the joy of knowing that we all have the responsibility to pray and see for the priests of our community. By leaving everything to follow God, they are now part of the family and the community’
‘Thank God that I came with my family so that they can also learn, and together we prayed and were attentive to priests’, Mrs. Margarita Valadez
‘I was invited to the Rosary Relay for Priests and I invited my friend. Thank God we were able to come. I had never prayed for priests. On the contrary, I thought they were very overbearing. Hearing in the intentions about their needs and challenges, such as health problems, sadness, serving in the war, etc., helped me to realise that priests needed us. So let us play our part to support them’. Mrs. Tomasa Hernandez
‘It is very exciting to prepare the community to pray for priests. It is something we are not used to doing. When we pray regularly it is to ask God for our needs, but now the families participate more in praying for the priests and we are aware of what they are doing, so we are attentive to what they need’, Mrs. Máyela
His Grace Frank Nubuasah, SVD Botswana Gaborone Diocese honoured with the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay Award.
Father Moarabi Molefe, Chaplain for the Sacred Heart Sodality and Grace Frank Nubuasah receiving the award from Fidelma Webb, Worldpriest representative for Botswana.
On 4 May 2024 the Catholic Diocese of Gaborone gathered in the Christ the King Cathedral to witness a momentous occasion as His Grace Frank Nubuasah, SVD was honoured with an esteemed award from Worldpriest Global Apostolate, presented by Fidelma Webb, Worldpriest representative for Botswana and President of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sodality. This accolade recognised the diocese’s exemplary participation in the global initiative to pray for the sanctification of priests, a movement that saw an unprecedented turnout from the deaneries and parishes in Gaborone on 16 June 2023.
A tribute to collective devotion
In 16 June 2023, the Sacred Heart Sodality of the Diocese of Gaborone joined the world in a dedicated effort to pray for the sanctification of priests. This initiative saw a remarkable response from the faithful, with large numbers participating in prayers and activities aimed at supporting and uplifting the clergy. The diocese’s enthusiastic and devout participation earned it recognition from Worldpriest Global Apostolate, an organisation committed to fostering Rosary prayer and support for priests worldwide.
The award, presented to His Grace Frank Nubuasah, SVD, on this special day, celebrated not only his leadership but also the collective faith and dedication of the Catholic community in Gaborone. The event, held during the investiture ceremony for new members of the Sacred Heart Sodality, was a testament to the vibrant spiritual life within the diocese.
A day of mixed emotions
While the day was marked by joyous celebration, it was also touched by sorrow. On this very day, the Catholic Church in Botswana received the heartbreaking news of the passing of His Lordship Rt. Rev. Anthony Pascal Rebello, SVD and Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Francistown. This loss was profoundly felt across the community, adding a sombre note to the proceedings.
The life and legacy of Bishop Anthony Pascal Rebello, SVD
Bishop Anthony Pascal Rebello, SVD, was a pillar of faith and service in the young Church of Southern Africa. Known for his deep spirituality, humility, and unwavering commitment to missionary work, Bishop Rebello’s life was dedicated to the principles of love, service, and evangelisation. His journey began with a calling to the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), through which he devoted his life to spreading the Gospel and supporting communities in need.
Appointed as the Bishop of Francistown, he focused on fostering unity, promoting social justice and enhancing the Church’s outreach through education and healthcare initiatives. His pastoral leadership was marked by a keen understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities within his diocese, helping to strengthen the faith and cohesion of the Catholic community.
The impact of losing a bishop
For a young Church in Southern Africa, the loss of a bishop like Rt. Rev. Anthony Pascal Rebello, SVD, is particularly significant. Bishops play a crucial role in guiding the spiritual and administrative aspects of the Church, serving as shepherds to their flock. Bishop Rebello’s passing leaves a void in leadership, but also in the hearts of those who knew him and benefited from his wisdom and compassion.
The Catholic Church in Botswana, while mourning this profound loss, is also reminded of the strength and resilience of its community. The faithful are called to honour Bishop Rebello’s legacy by continuing his work and upholding the values he cherished. His memory serves as a beacon of inspiration, encouraging the Church to persevere in faith and unity.
A day of reflection and commitment
The events of 4 May 2024 encapsulated a blend of celebration and reflection for the Catholic Diocese of Gaborone. His Grace Frank Nubuasah, SVD’s recognition by Worldpriest Global Apostolate highlighted the power of collective devotion and the importance of supporting the clergy. Meanwhile, the passing of Bishop Anthony Pascal Rebello, SVD underscored the enduring impact of dedicated leadership and the strength of the Church community in times of sorrow.
As the Catholic Church in Botswana moves forward, it does so with a renewed commitment to faith, service, and unity, inspired by the lives and legacies of its esteemed leaders.
Ronald N K Moipoledi
Diocesan Communications and Media Office
Rosary Thursday goes from strength to strength
The monthly Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday prayer event is giving a heightened global awareness to Worldpriest Apostolate, as a powerful prayer community has now formed from all over the world. It invites an excellent team of exceptional priests to lead the Rosary from around the world. Since the beginning of October 2020, over forty priests have led us all in prayer each with their teams of prayer responders, who are equally from various locations worldwide, who join the time of prayer in various languages.
You may visit and view recordings on our Worldpriest YouTube. All are most spiritually enriching, like the luminous mysteries of the Rosary in celebrating the public life of Jesus. But do not forget that every Thursday is Rosary Thursday as we pray with great gratitude and thanksgiving for the gift of all priests.
Worldpriest Global Apostolate are patrons, along with The Dominican Order and the Pan European Forum, to the Word Rosary Day prayer event on 7 October 2024.World Rosary Day – Please register in order to join this great prayer event, uniting with Pope Francis.
As a lead-up to the 2025 Jubilee of Hope being led by Pope Francis, a special ‘symphony’ of prayer will take place at 7pm on 7 October 2024, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. In order to ensure the success of this event, the pope called upon ‘the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes, confraternities all over the world, especially Marian sodalities of the Holy Rosary, as well as Marian congregations, sanctuaries, parishes and all Marian and rosary prayer groups, and all people of good faith and good will to unite in an extraordinary twenty-four hours of prayer for the success of the 2025 Holy Year.’ The Papal Bull, entitled Spes Non Confudit’, meaning ‘Hope Does Not Disappoint’, declares that the Jubilee Year will officially begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve 2024.
The pope further decreed that every Catholic cathedral around the world should offer Mass on 29 December 2024, as the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year for their local communities. Pope Francis encouraged dioceses to organise pilgrimages to the cathedrals for the occasion.

Deacon Don Devaney is a Permanent Deacon in the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland. He is married with seven adult children and eleven grandchildren. He is Chairman of the Divine Mercy Conference in Ireland for the last 33 years. He is a presenter with Radio Maria Ireland of the Divine Mercy Hour, God’s Healing Power Hour, The Healing Power of the Sacraments, Can we Be Saints, The Cell Communities (for prisoners) and a weekly Catechesis Programme Seeking Truth.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 25 July 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Deacon Don Devaney.
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Deacon Don Devaney.
Father Eamonn McCarthy Radio Maria Priest Director in studio.
- First Luminous Mystery – The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Deacon Don Devaney prayer responder Joan and Dave Maroney. Divine Mercy for America. Mother of Mercy Messengers Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception Stockbridge MA USA
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Deacon Don Devaney prayer responder Rebekah Comerford Editorial Assistant Radio Maria Ireland.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Deacon Don Devaney prayer responder Father Barney McGuckian S.J. Chaplain to Worldpriest Global Apostolate
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Deacon Don Devaney prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Deacon Don Devaney prayer responders Joan and Dave Maroney. Divine Mercy for America. Mother of Mercy Messengers Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception Stockbridge MA USA
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer of the 25 July to be prayed by Deacon Don Devaney to all prayer participants.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 27 June 2024 Father Mark-Mary Ames CFR, led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father Mark-Mary and this special time of prayer youtu.be/cHMLk7Iq5S4
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall