A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. For today a great light has come upon the earth. John 10:27
We wish a Happy Christmas to all bishops, priests, friends, benefactors, volunteers and the Worldpriest team.
We also wish you a Happy New Year as 2019 approaches – a year which will mark the tenth anniversary of the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay for the sanctification of priests taking place on 26 June and the twenty-fifth anniversary of Marion Mulhall’s vocation to promote the priesthood at any price on 15 January 1994, which lead to the birth of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate as we know it today.
Founder Worldpriest

Any time of year, especially during the holidays, the most precious gift you can give the young or the old; the rich or the poor; the near or the faraway; is your prayer.
We all have family and friends that are struggling. Give them the gift of prayer for Christmas. For those family members that have so much materially, they too will benefit from your gift of prayer. And now you have the opportunity to pray for your family as part of a large prayer community (guild).
A very special global Guild has been established in honor of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., (1909 – 1992) who was the worldwide Church’s advocate for family prayer, especially the Rosary. Father Peyton is a candidate for sainthood and it is hoped one day he will be revered as the “Saint for Family Prayer.” Together Guild members pray for their own personal intentions and for the advancement of Father Peyton’s cause for sainthood.
Last year on December 18, Pope Francis promulgated the decree recognizing the heroic virtues and sanctity of life of Father Peyton, recognizing him as Venerable by the Roman Catholic Church, the second of the four stages to sainthood.

“England, great cause have you to be glad … for in you is built a mansion to the honour of the Heavenly Empress and of her most glorious salutation, the first of her joys, when Gabriel said at Nazareth “Ave”.” (Pynson Ballad 1496)
The Pynson Ballad tells us that Richeldis de Faverches in 1061, wanting to do some great work for Our Lady, was transported in a dream to Nazareth, where Our Lady told her to measure the Holy House of the Annunciation and build one similar to it in Walsingham.
It was this Saxon Holy House that brought countless pilgrims from England and abroad on pilgrimage to Walsingham. It is known that an Augustinian Priory was built beside the Holy House in 1153, the Canons of which were to care for the Shrine and its pilgrims until the Reformation.
The fame of the Shrine was enriched by many visits from King Henry III (1207-1272) and from then on, every English Monarch visited the Shrine at least once in their reign, the last being Henry VIII, who came on pilgrimage in to give thanks for the birth of a son (1511) – this child soon died, and it was providing a Tudor heir to the throne that was to be the cause of the Reformation here in England.
In 1537 The Canons of Walsingham Priory were one of the first Monastic houses to sign the Act of Supremacy, the document which estranged Henry VIII from the Pope, and in effect, created the ‘Church of England’ with the English Monarch as its Head, rather than The Pope.