WorldPriest was established by a group of lay people who are experts in the area of advertising, communications and social media to provide for the advancement of the Catholic faith by developing and maintaining a central resource website which allows us to support the various aspects of the priestly ministry, facilitate the renewal and strengthening of the Catholic faith worldwide especially with our Annual Global Rosary Relay for priests.
This worldpriest website has one aim – to unite priests and laity so that everyone can come into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
We want Worldpriest to be a place where you get answers to questions of faith, where you can find information on Church Teaching, resources to support our priests, and together we will discover the truth of our faith – that God loves us, he provides for us and is with us in every situation.

The Most Reverend Michael Neary
Archbishop of Tuam,
Episcopal Advisor to Worldpriest
The Holy Father asks you to convey his cordial greetings to all taking part in the ” 24 – Hour Rosary Relay for Priests” and to assure them of his spiritual closeness. He prays that our Blessed Mother may always guide and protect priests who are consecrated to the joyful and indispensable mission of proclaiming the Gospel and offering God’s people, through the celebration of the sacraments, the closeness, the word and the strength of Christ (cf. Evangelii Gaudium,121). With great affection and appreciation for priests, His Holiness commends them and those joining in this event to the loving intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary, and willingly imparts his Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of grace and peace.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State.
Worldpriest needs funding to continue supporting priests in a spiritual and pastoral way and to expand the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests. Please continue to give generously and to share in our success.
Worldpriest Inc. is a not-for-profit organization under Section 501 (C) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
Listed in the official Catholic Directory (Kenedy Directory) USA
Quantum Universal T/A Worldpriest Company No.376786 Registered in Ireland Charity No. CHY 15473.