Virtual Rosary for Pope Francis
Dear prayer partners,
Thank you for participating in our recent Virtual Rosary for Pope Francis on 19 June 2020 – Global Rosary Relay Day. We hope you found fulfilment and joy at this special time of prayer with the Worldpriest Global Apostolate team and Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages as much as we were committed to sharing our time of prayer with you.
It was a very special time of prayer, as many people around the world joined with the Worldpriest Global Apostolate team and Inside the Vatican Pilgrimages on that unique occasion. We hope you felt uplifted by the discussion which took place after the Rosary itself. It was a special time for all of us on the team to be able to listen to the many people who participated.
This prayer for Pope Francis was so successful we intend to continue with this practice annually. The scheduled date for 2021 is Friday 11 June 6 p.m., local Rome time.
We would be very pleased to receive your review and feedback so we may expand and enhance this time of prayer to an even greater audience next year.
Should your country not be listed on https://www.worldpriest.com/participating-prayer-location-list/ and you wish to be a participating prayer location in the Annual Global Rosary Relay for The Sanctification of Priests, please email us and we will begin our conversation and guide you how to join in prayer. Info.worldpriest@gmail.com
Please find our prayer time on video for your reflection at
Many of our prayer participants had asked to receive a copy of the profound reflections on the sorrowful mysteries written by Father James Phalan CSC which we prayed on the day, so please also find same attached.
We are profoundly grateful to His Holiness, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his support to the WorldPriest Global Apostolate over the years, especially for providing us with our official Prayer for Priests . On the occasion of the death of his brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger on July 1st 2020 we offer him our prayerful condolences. Requiescat in pace.
Please pray for the Worldpriest Global Apostolate as we continue to hold your intentions in prayer.
Marion Mulhall
Founder – Worldpriest Global Apostolate