Now is the time to start putting preparations into place as a participating prayer location with the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests on 19 June 2020.
Worldpriest prays in solidarity with all people suffering from the Coronavirus and other ailments at this time, especially any people who are participating in the Global Rosary Relay this year. Fear not, we’re going ahead at top speed planning for this spectacular day of prayer. All we have is prayer now to comfort us and we ask all to pray the Rosary daily in preparation for 19 June. Please consider, if needs be, arranging a live stream from your location as we utilise the gift of taking a virtual prayer to the world. This allows your country to reach out to all peoples at home and abroad. We pray especially for all priests and those on the front line services of care for others at this time.
We thank all participating prayer locations around the world who have been wonderful prayer partners on this great day of a world at prayer for the past eleven years.
The original inspiration for the relay eleven years ago was ‘20 countries 20 mysteries’. That great gift of grace was the spiritual flame that lit the fire for the first ever Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests, which has grown at a miraculous pace over the past decade – all thanks to Our Lady – and in 2019 there were over 285 single prayer locations participating. To date this number has risen to well over 300 prayer locations from every corner of the earth and is growing by the day as new prayer locations ask enthusiastically to be a participant for 19 June 2020. There are now prayer locations on every continent – and all will unite as one family in prayer on this special day. What a gift to offer Our Lady for her beloved priests!
On Global Rosary Relay Day you are asked to please consider praying in union with your local time. You may check location details at https://www.worldpriest.com/participating-prayer-location-list/ You may join in from wherever you may be located worldwide, whether you are living alone, with your family or at your place of work. Simply join in prayer with many of the live streaming presentations such as the live television broadcasts with EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network) our media partners, also through radio, Facebook Live and YouTube broadcast from many prayer locations worldwide.
Anyone who prays the Rosary on this day is automatically a participant in this great event of a world at prayer. Nobody is excluded, because we pray as one family from every corner of the world. Please “pray the Rosary unite with your country and help encircle the world in prayer”. View full list and world map for all location details by clicking. https://www.worldpriest.com/participating-prayer-location-list/
This promotional poster for 19 June 2020 is also available online in a number of other languages. Please visit our website and choose your local language version at: www.worldpriest.com/promotional-material/
Follow us on our social media, including Facebook and Twitter for new developments surrounding the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay over the next few months. You will also receive up-to- the-minute good news updates about new developments of the Annual Global Rosary Relay from around the world. You can also follow the Papal Audience at the Worldpriest Global Apostolate Facebook Live every Wednesday, and please pray the Luminous Mysteries of the rosary on Thursdays as every Thursday is Rosary Thursday. All of this is a spiritual prayer build-up to prepare for the Annual Global Rosary Relay day this coming June.
If you have any questions or wish to add additional prayer locations from your country please contact us at info.worldpriest@gmail.com The Worldpriest team is on standby to assist you in every way possible as the world prays in thanksgiving for the great gift of every priest as we say ‘Thank you Father for being our priest. We truly appreciate all your work as a priest in creating support for our local community and in bringing us the sacraments’.
Please pray for all at Worldpriest. We need your prayers at this time as we expect hundreds of new prayer locations to join us – all working together to make 2020 exceed all expectations.
So sign up to our newsletter, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
View pray and share our new Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay video promo for 2020 on TV networks, also all social media outreaches

Loving God,
As a Christian community we believe that you work in all things for our good, and that you make use even of what is bad to open our hearts to you. So we turn to you at this critical time when humankind is being assaulted by the coronavirus, and ask you to bless all those we love and care for.
We pray especially at this time for your beloved priests. Some of them have already died from the virus: they are martyrs of charity. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends (John 15:13). Receive them into your glory and keep safe all others who are in the front line of the pandemic while caring pastorally for your people.
We commend our priests to the tender care of Mary your Mother, and we make this prayer in confidence through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Brian Grogan SJ