Fr. Willie Purcell
Fr. Willie Purcell is the parish priest of Clara, Kilkenny; Ireland he also works as the national vocations coordinator for Diocesan Priesthood for Ireland at the Irish Conference of Catholic Bishops and is a member of the Council for Immigrants for the Irish Conference of Catholic Bishops. He holds a master’s degree in Theology from St. Patricks College Maynooth and has taught in secondary and third level colleges.
St. Patricks College Maynooth Ireland
He hosts a Saturday morning religious programme ‘spirit alive’ on Community Radio Kilkenny City and also writes for national magazines on religious and social affairs topics. Fr. Willie directs retreats and parish workshops in Ireland, England and the USA
On the last Thursday of each month The Worldpriest Global Apostolate is hosting a virtual Rosary Thursday. In 2002 Pope John Paul II invited Catholics to pray the Mysteries of Light on Thursdays. These mysteries focus on the public life of Jesus.
View of Kilkenny City
This prayer time for Rosary Thursday will take the form of a virtual Rosary at 6 p.m. local Rome time, being prayed for the sanctification of priests and the intentions of Pope Francis. Everyone around the world – regardless of their location – are most welcome to join in this important time of prayer.
However; all participants will need to register by simply clicking on the link below.
Register Here
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours, concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer reflecting the daylight-saving time change.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
Worldpriest team members and prayer friends will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations for each decade by Father Willie Purcell.
The following people will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with guided meditations for each decade by Father Willie Purcell.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Willie Purcell prayer responder Jim Friend USA. Jim is a Candidate for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Allentown and has served the Church in his career through ministry and philanthropy for over 30 years. In his full-time role, he serves as Director of Mission Advancement for the Saint John Vianney Center USA www.sjvcenter.org,
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Willie Purcell prayer responder Amelia only 9 years old and a member of the Children’s Rosary Group. www.childrensrosary.org
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Willie Purcell prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate. https://www.worldpriest.com/
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Willie Purcell prayer responder Kristin Friend has a prayer ministry called Kristin’s Crosses and in 2020, she launched her YouTube Prayer Channel www.YouTube.com/@KristinsCrosses dedicated to our Blessed Mother. To Kristin’s surprise, the videos went viral, and people all over the world found Christ through our Blessed Mother by praying the Rosary with the Friend family. Since then, Kristin has published hundreds of prayer and devotion videos, including a daily scenic rosary, the daily gospel reading, and a reflection by her husband Jim.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Willie Purcell prayer responders Liam and Mary Murphy friends to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Ireland.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing by Father Willie Purcell to our virtual Rosary Thursday prayer community.
On the 28 September 2023 Father Benedict Croell OP https://angelicum.it/ led our special Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father Benedict Croell OP with a recording of this beautiful time of prayer https://youtu.be/5jTdWJouC3Q?si=I5kM9SQtBpfP23pq
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall
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