Make a resolution to daily pray for all Priests. Without priests there can be no Eucharist and without the Eucharist no church.

Who is there to listen to those of us who have no one? To whom do we turn to when the world has turned its back on us? Day and night, Priests are called to listen at times of joy but also at times of great pain. The sick, the marginalised, the lonely and the outcast turn to priests to be heard and it is through his priests that Christ is present among his people. Their work is largely unrecognised and their contribution to society is often overlooked. They ask for no reward beyond doing God’s work. Today be a prayer friend to a priest in thanksgiving for his priesthood as you reflect and pray for him.

Here receive a daily suggestions to guide you in prayer:

“…for a priest who cannot bring himself to ask for the sacrament of reconciliation.“