Final planning is moving briskly ahead for the 2019 Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests. Building on the wonderfully high levels of participation in 2018, when the event touched the lives of 14 million people worldwide, on all five continents, the indications are that the tenth anniversary year of 2019 will see participation easily exceed the amazing statistics of last year.
The number of participating prayer locations has risen substantially yet again this year, with new prayer locations from Finland, from Canada at a beautiful church close to Niagara Falls, from Costa Rica in Central America, from Bangladesh and from many new participating locations in the United States, including those in Minnesota, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Nebraska and Virginia, which are all growing in numbers.
We invite the world in a special outreach gesture to join in solidarity with Sri Lanka at their local prayer time of 10.00 a.m. from the Shrine of Our Lady of Matara, in praying the Sorrowful Mysteries.
Pakistan is in full preparation mode for their participation this year, having been the winners of the 2018 Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay special award for outstanding promotion and participation. This resulted in half a million people uniting in prayer in what was a wonderful gift to our dear priests the world over.
The Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests Tenth Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass takes place at the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Ireland, Knock, County Mayo on 28 June 2019 with the participation in the Global Rosary Relay of Knock National Marian Shrine praying the Luminous Mysteries. There will be a live stream for all to join prayerfully worldwide, with full details being provided in the next newsletter.
We have a new Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay Novena starting on 20 June and finishing on 28 June, including daily reflection to camera, with more details being available in our next newsletter.
Global media interest is rising in many counties as the planning begins for live broadcasts thorough social media and all communication channels to be utilised in order to invite many people of all ages, all cultures and all nationalities to join from wherever they may be located. We are profoundly grateful to our partners The Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) for the tremendous coverage they give to this unique global gathering of a world at prayer, which allows millions and millions of people to join in prayer from all corners of the world.
Please mark 28 June 2019 in your prayer schedule on your phones and computers so that you may participate in the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay – a global event not to be missed. The clock is ticking and we are ready for takeoff for Mother Mary and her Rosary Relay.
This is actually a live spiritual relay as each prayer location picks up the Rosary prayer from the previous location and spiritually sends forth to the next prayer location, so it is moving all day worldwide. You may check your location at this link https://www.worldpriest.com/participating-shrine-list/
Please pray for a great success of the world at prayer on 28 June. We need your participation, wherever you are. The world needs prayer every day, but especially on Annual Global Rosary Relay day on the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
So please pray the Rosary, unite with your country and help encircle the world in prayer. Be there!
‘If families give Our Lady fifteen minutes a day by reciting the Rosary, I assure them that their homes will become, by God’s grace, peaceful places.’ – Venerable Patrick Peyton CSC.
We have many more surprises to come, so stay in touch and keep informed by visiting www.worldpriest.com. And please sign up to our newsletter at www.worldpriest.com