The specially-commissioned video by Colm Flynn of EWTN fame promoting the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay 2022 for the Sanctification of Priests is now formally launched. This video should now be widely shared and used as a powerful promotional tool to encourage as many people as possible around the world to pray the Rosary on 24 June, regardless of their location. Participating Prayer Location List – World Priest
The idea behind this year’s video is simple, but highly effective. We chose a Worldpriest representative from each of the world’s continents to introduce themselves and the area they represent, while pin-pointing their geographical location around the globe. The result speaks powerfully of the truly worldwide phenomenon that is the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests.
So what started as a modest prayer event for the sanctification of our priests thirteen years ago now encompasses the entire world in a twenty-four hour period and touches the lives of millions as they share in praying the Rosary. Promotional Material – World Priest
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