Worldpriest has designated prayer locations dotted all over the world where people can join the Worldpriest Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests 2020. Details about these managed locations are provided on worldpriest.com. But you can also join in the relay anywhere outside these locations – praying wherever you are located on 19 June this year.
Where possible please live stream the Global Rosary Relay. In this way many prayer locations will be able to join in what will be a virtual Global Rosary Relay for 2020.
By using widely available technology, all prayer locations can easily promote to and invite a far greater prayer audience, with thousands of people joining the Rosary Relay simultaneously from wherever they are located. But please be mindful of your local time to pray, as this day of prayer is an actual real-time rosary relay involving the whole world. So lockdown or no lockdown, this will be the biggest and best year ever as the world is open for prayer like never before.
If you do not have access to live streaming facilities please pray in small numbers at your local church prayer location at the designated time of prayer. The most important action is to pray, pray and pray on this great occasion.
Please follow the instructions of your local health authority on social distancing and other related COVID 19 matters wherever you may be located. In the meantime, we extend our prayerful best wishes to all of our beloved priests and parishioners for your safety and good health at this time.
Some important things to remember
1) Should it not be possible due to Covid 19 restrictions to have a choir singing, please engage a local musician to complement your time of prayer .
2) Place flowers on the altar and candles to represent the priests being prayed for at your local prayer location. Be as creative and resourceful as you deem appropriate!
3) You may join in from wherever you may be located worldwide, whether you are living alone, with your family or at your place of work. Simply join in prayer with many of the live streaming presentations, such as the live television broadcasts by Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) – our media partners – or through radio, Facebook Live and YouTube, all broadcast from many prayer locations worldwide.
4) Everyone who prays the Rosary on this day is automatically a participant in this great event of a world at prayer. Nobody is excluded, because we pray as one family from every corner of the world. Please ‘pray the Rosary, unite with your country and help encircle the world in prayer’ for priests on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
This promotional video for the Global Rosary Relay for The Sanctification of Priests 11th anniversary celebrations plays for one minute it is very powerful and engaging. Please use and share as you wish.
Are you in a position to share your day of prayer?
1) Can you organise a global, national or local television or radio broadcast? If yes, we would require the television or radio station link for placement on our broadcast schedule.
2) For a webcam presentation we would also require your website link to place on our broadcast schedule.
3) For YouTube or Facebook live broadcast presentations again we would require a link to place on our global broadcast schedule.
4) Photographs of your time of prayer would also be much appreciated.
5) A short write-up if possible about how your prayer location participated would be greatly welcomed and would allow Worldpriest to produce a full overview news feature in thanksgiving for the great day of prayer as we then prepare for 11 June 2021 – the next Global Rosary Relay day.
6) After 19 June we will place all of the above on our media hub, so please do not forget to send to email: info.worldpriest@gmail.com A special novena to prepare for the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay
You can join in a beautiful new novena specially written by our Worldpriest Chaplain, Father Bernard McGuckian SJ, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in preparation for Global Rosary Relay day. www.worldpriest.com/novena-2020
If you have any questions or need any further assistance in any way please contact us and we will reply as soon as possible. info.worldpriest@gmail.com
A special novena to prepare for the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay
You can join prayerfully in a beautiful new novena specially written by our Worldpriest Chaplain, Father Bernard McGuckian SJ, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in preparation for Global Rosary Relay day. www.worldpriest.com/novena-2020
If you have any questions or need any further assistance in any way please contact us and we will reply as soon as possible. info.worldpriest@gmail.com
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