Father Dwight Longenecker
I was brought up in an Evangelical home in Pennsylvania. After graduating from the fundamentalist Bob Jones University with a degree in Speech and English, I went to study theology at Oxford University. Eventually I was ordained as an Anglican priest and served as a curate, a school chaplain in Cambridge and a country parson on the Isle of Wight.
Realizing that the Anglican Church and I were on divergent paths, in 1995 I and my family were received into the Catholic Church. For ten years we continued to live in England where I worked as a freelance writer and charity worker. Then in 2006 the door opened to return to the USA and be ordained as a Catholic priest.
I now serve as Pastor of Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville, South Carolina.
Our Lady of the Rosary Church in Greenville, South Carolina
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This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. It will open at 17.50 hours, local Rome time; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours, concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to Father Dwight Longenecker with Rosary Thursday Prayer time led by Father Dwight Longenecker.
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Dwight Longenecker.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Dwight Longenecker.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Liam Murphy a friend to Worldpriest Global Apostolate Ireland.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Niall Kennedy KCSG Chairman Worldpriest Ireland.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by a Worldpriest Representative or friend.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing by Father Dwight Longenecker to all prayer participants.
Register here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall
29 September 2022 https://youtu.be/qPBW75hXr7M Father Dave Heney lead so beautifully the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday click share and pray.
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