New Worldpriest website content opens up new horizons
Mission Lands is a new initiative by Worldpriest that reaches out to priests, lay faithful, religious, families and young people who will contribute captivating content on a monthly basis.
You will receive real-life experience from home lands and foreign lands, with stories from around the world for readers to reflect upon covering evangelisation, catechetical, pastoral, intellectual, human and spiritual outreaches.
The first contribution comes from our Worldpriest Representative for Indonesia and Pakistan, Father Mushtag Anjum, Mi.
Should you wish to contribute to this new, exciting, though at times challenging section, please email Worldpriest Global Apostolate at We would be delighted to welcome you as a contributor and we hope you enjoy exploring new horizons in the spiritual and religious world.
Camillian Mission in Indonesia

The Camillians started their mission to Indonesia on 2 July 2009, with the focus on preparing young men to be Camillian religious and priests. The bulk of the work and ministry is focused on formation. The seminarians, postulants, and theologians go for their studies in the SVD-run school of theology.
St. Camillus Social Centre: The first Camillian social institution was blessed on 25 May 2018. The centre intends to be a referral shelter for young students coming to the city for studies from faraway areas of the island of Flores. It is a two-storey building with twenty-six rooms and also offers computer and English courses and has a small clinic with physiotherapy facilities.
Care for mentally ill people: The Camillians also have a new initiative responding to the needs of the most marginalised and neglected local people. There are many mentally ill people whose families put them in stocks, putting their legs into an improvised wooded frame and nailing them in place. That leaves these sick people in that situation for years and years. Thanks to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and generous local people, the liberty of these unfortunates is being made possible. The Camillians have built rooms with a toilet and bed where these people can walk and live freely. I believe this is the partial fulfilment of the mandate of Jesus’s mission, as these former captives get their liberty, freedom and dignity back. I have seen these people’s stocks being cut as they are set free. It is amazing and tears well up at seeing their joy.

Freedom is the most important feature of a human being, and if it is taken a person is robbed of his or her humanity and dignity.
Chaplaincy work: When we arrived the bishop of Maumere immediately entrusted to us the chaplaincy of the hospital of the city and allowed the chapel there to be dedicated to St. Camillus. This, in fact, is the first chapel in honour of the saint in Indonesia and it took place on 11 February 2010, on the occasion of World Day of the Sick. A large picture of the saint with a caption in the Indonesian language reads ‘St. Camillus, patron saint of the sick, doctors, nurses and hospitals’ (‘Santo Pelindung orang sakit, dokter, perawat dan rumah sakit’) was placed on the right side of the altar as a devotional point of reference for the sick and the faithful.

Weekly visitation to the sick: This is done by our seminarians in two hospitals and some villages, making them become ‘the 100 hands’ that bring charisma to the sick and the old.
Camillian summer apostolate: This is organised by our seminarians in the mountainous villages of the diocese. There some communities can be reached only by foot and the parish priest can visit them only a few times a year. Our seminarians feel like ‘little missionaries’ of the Gospel in bringing a Camillian touch of love and hope to the sick, the old and their families.

Feeding programme for children: This is done in some villages for hundreds of needy children. Regularly basic items like milk, eggs, biscuits and vitamins are distributed to them and basic lessons on hygiene, food nutrition and cooking are offered to their mothers.
Foster students programme: School supply (books, notebooks, pencils and other items are distributed to pupils in elementary and high school classes. During the rainy season umbrellas and sports shoes are also donated to those who are having family financial difficulties.
The Camillians of Indonesia are not lacking hope, enthusiasm and goodwill in committing themselves to multiply the ‘100 hands’ of charity for serving more needy and suffering people. Certainly, there is still a need for more love and goodwill.
Fr. Mushtaq Anjum, MI