Fr. Mark-Mary Ames, He is a Franciscan Friar of the Renewal. CFR
Fr. Mark-Mary Ames is the Director of Priestly Studies, Director of Communications for the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, and part-time spiritual director at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dunwoodie. He is a weekly host of Ascension Presents and The Poco a Poco Podcast and the author of two books, “Habits for Holiness” and “The Father: Thirty Meditations to Draw You into the Heart of God.”
CFRS: The Franciscan Friars of the Renewal started in the South Bronx, in 1987 by eight friars, most notably, Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Fr. Andrew Apostoli. The friars now have friaries in New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, California, England, Ireland, Honduras, and Nicaragua where they continue their mission of evangelization and service to the poor.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
Our life of prayer
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 27 June 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Father Mark-Mary CFR
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Mark-Mary CFR.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Mark-Mary CFR, prayer responder, Cyril Cruz Principal Holy Innocents School Catholic Classical Liberal Arts Transitional Kindergarten to Grade 12. Holy Innocents Catholic Church | Long Beach, CA (lbcatholic.com)
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Mark-Mary CFR prayer responder Rick and Molly Jesse friends to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Burlington Vermont USA.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Mark-Mary CFR prayer responder Lila Rose is a writer, speaker and activist. Lila founded and serves as president of Live Action, a human rights nonprofit with the largest digital footprint for the global pro-life movement. https://www.liveaction.org/speaker-bios/
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Mark-Mary CFR prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate. https://www.worldpriest.com/
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Mark-Mary CFR . Tim Glemkowski is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Eucharistic Congress. Previously, he served in the Archbishop’s Office for the Archdiocese of Denver as the Director of Strategy, helping to set up the archdiocese for a time of apostolic mission. https://www.eucharisticcongress.org/
Love Of The Poor
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer of the 27 June to be prayed by Father Mark-Mary CFR to all our prayer participants,
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 30 May 2024 Father Jimmy Mathew C.S.C. led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father Jimmy and our video recording of this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/iGtidhnm5Oo
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Father Jimmy Mathew C.S.C,
Jimmy Mathew C.S.C, is a religious priest of the congregation of Holy Cross. He hails from Kerala, India, currently working in Manila, Philippines as the Mission Director of Family Rosary Crusade, Philippines, under the mother organization of Holy Cross Family Ministries. It’s the international ministry started by Venerable Patrick Peyton, with its core message of “Family that prays together stays together; A world at prayer is a world at peace.” Since ordination in January 1999, he began his priestly ministry as a co-pastor in a parish and then moved to formation ministry and educational ministry. Prior to moving to Philippines eight years ago, he was the major seminary Rector of the Holy Cross Seminary in Pune, India. Another ministry close to his heart is the healing ministry.
He has been involved in in the healing and deliverance, all through his priestly life. Many people have experienced physical healings from various kinds of sicknesses including the terminal sicknesses and most of them are living witnesses of God’s healing mercies. Some of them experience emotional and spiritual well-being, set free from emotional and spiritual bondages. One inspirational common happening noticed by him is that people who have been touched by God’s healing presence re-dedicate their lives for a cause much higher than themselves and are in the service of the Lord. Healing is a convincing sign that God is with us, healing our woundedness for the Lord is a wounded Healer. Fr. Jimmy accepts invitations from different countries for conducting psycho-spiritual retreats and healing Masses.
From April 2016, Fr, Jimmy is in Manila, Philippines, enjoying being part of the Holy Cross Family ministry, as Mission Director of Family Rosary Crusade, Philippines. He is also into media ministry to keep space with the modern times, bringing the Good news of Christ and spreading the Devotion to the Blessed Mother.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
“Rosary-Centric life leads to Jesus.”
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 30 May 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Father Jimmy Mathew C.S.C,
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Jimmy Mathew C.S.C,
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Jimmy Mathew C.S.C, prayer responder. Isabel Gillis Worldpriest Global Apostolate Representative for Canada.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Jimmy Mathew C.S.C, prayer responder. Margarita Valle Konstantopoulou Worldpriest Global Apostolate Representative for Greece.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Jimmy Mathew prayer responder. Dermot Mannion International Coordinator Global Rosary Relay and Worldpriest Associate.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Jimmy Mathew prayer responder. Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Jimmy Mathew prayer responder. Liam Murphy a friend to the Worldpriest Global Apostolate Dublin, Ireland.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer of the 30 May to be prayed by Father Jimmy Mathew to all prayer participants at 18.30 hours.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
On the 25 April 2024 Father John Burns from Milwaukee, WI USA led the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father John Burns and our recording of this special time of prayer youtu.be/mxOwXvARTNs
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Father John Burns
Fr. John Burns is a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, WI. Ordained in 2010, he has served as an associate pastor, pastor, and adjunct professor of moral theology. In 2019, he completed a doctorate in moral theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome. His doctoral research focuses on the theology of healing through forgiveness.
Fr. Burns speaks at conferences, preaches missions, and directs retreats throughout the country. He is the author of Lift Up Your Heart: A 10-Day Personal Retreat with St. Francis de Sales. Fr. Burns is the founder and president of Friends of the Bridegroom, an apostolate dedicated to the healing, renewal, and expansion of women’s religious life.
The near-total diminishment of women’s religious life in America has had a far greater impact on the Church’s overall health and vitality than many realize. The mission of Friends of the Bridegroom (www.renewreligious.org) is to assist the healing and expansion of women’s religious life in America and to elevate the place of consecrated women in the broader renewal of the Church.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours concluding at18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to our 25 April 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday led by Father John Burns.
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father John Burns.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father John Burns prayer responder Jim Friend USA. Jim is a Candidate for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Allentown and has served the Church in his career through ministry and philanthropy for over 30 years. In his full-time role, he serves as Director of Mission Advancement for the Saint John Vianney Centre USA www.sjvcenter.org
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father John Burns prayer responder prayer responder Sister Mara a Carmelite Sister of the Most Sacred Heart from Alhambra Los Angeles California USA www.carmelitesistersocd.com
- Third Luminous Mystery – – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father John Burns prayer responder Niall M Kennedy Chairman Worldpriest Global Apostolate Ireland.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father John Burns prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father John Burns prayer responder Pia di Solenni, SThD, is a moral theologian, ethicist, and cultural analyst. http://moralthelogian.com/
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for our Rosary Thursday time of prayer of the 25 April to be prayed by Father John Burns to all prayer participants at 18.30 hours.
On the 28 March 2024 Bishop Phonsie Cullinan led our special Holy Thursday, Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Bishop Phonsie Cullinan and our recording of this special time of prayer https://youtu.be/zuKhOiSVM2Y?si=YjFgxeqE8MVjnHxd
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Bishop Phonsie Cullinan
Bishop Cullinan was born in Lahinch, County Clare in 1959 to Christy and Rita and has four sisters and five brothers. Bishop Cullinan is a priest of the diocese of Limerick.
His family moved to Limerick city where he attended the Salesians for early education, John F Kennedy National School and the Crescent College Comprehensive (SJ) for his secondary education. From 1978-1981 he attended Mary Immaculate College of Education Limerick and qualified as a primary teacher (B.Ed) in 1981, and taught for six years in Castleconnell, County Limerick. He worked part-time during that time for four years with the Bunratty Castle Entertainers before going to Spain where he taught English for two years in a school in Valladolid.
Bishop Cullinan studied at Saint Patrick’s College Maynooth from 1989-1995 where he completed an STL (Licentiate in Theology). He was ordained by Bishop Jeremiah Newman in 1994 in Saint John’s Cathedral, Limerick, and appointed Curate in Saint Munchin’s Parish Limerick city 1995-1996. Bishop Cullinan’s next appointment was as chaplain to the Regional Hospital in Limerick from 1996 until 2001. He studied for his doctorate in moral theology in the Alfonsianum in Rome 2001-2004 and was appointed chaplain to the Limerick Institute of Technology 2004-2011. He was appointed Parish Priest of Rathkeale , County Limerick in 2011. He was ordained Bishop of Waterford & Lismore on Sunday 12th April 2015.
Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity, Waterford
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours sharp as this time of prayer is a also a live broadcast by Radio Maria Ireland to 190 countries worldwide throughout all of 2024 concluding at exactly 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
Holy Thursday washing of the feet
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion Mulhall and introduction to our 28 March 2024 Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday Prayer time on Holy Thursday led by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.
Prayer responders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan prayer responder Mabel McCormick a friend to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from the UK.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan prayer responder Dr. Tim Flanagan a friend to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Rhode Island USA
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan prayer responder Isabel Gillis Worldpriest Global Apostolate Representative for Canada .
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan prayer responder. John O’Grady a friend to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Chicago USA
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing for Holy Thursday to be prayed by Bishop Phonsie Cullinan to all prayer participants at 18.30 hours.
On the 29 February 2024 Father Pinto Paul, C.S.C., led our special Worldpriest
Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest GlobalApostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father Pinto Paul, C.S.C., and our recording of this time of prayer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bONOb8fSj0
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

It’s coming around again – the day when people in every corner of the world pray for the sanctification of priests over a twenty-four hour period.
Worldpriest has designed this special new generic poster for all participating prayer locations to promote the Annual Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests, which takes place on the Feast of the Sacred Heart every year.
This poster has been produced in six languages and is intended for the widest possible distribution around the world to introduce and promote this prayer event in which millions participate. The poster should be downloaded and circulated as widely as possible around the globe.
(See link for download).Promotional Material – World Priest
All participating prayer locations will begin to receive their personalised local promotion poster by early April of 2024, via email. Notifications will also be sent out during the month of May of 2024, stating from which prayer location you receive the Global Rosary Relay and to which prayer location you send forth your time of prayer during this real-time relay.
There are no limits being placed on participation by individuals, families, children and adults worldwide. Join people the world over in praying for the sanctification of priests through your commitment to pray the Rosary at an allocated time, praying an allocated mystery of the rosary. Prayers will take place in every possible location, ranging from churches, cathedrals, grottos, schools, colleges, hospitals, nursing homes private homes and all other suitable venues for individual or collective prayer.
This is an experience not to be missed. So regardless of age or local culture, Worldpriest asks you to unite with your community and country to pray the Rosary on 7 June 2024. Remember the greater the level of prayer the greater the blessings.
So on 7 June 2024 remember to ‘Pray the Rosary, unite with your country, and help encircle the world in prayer’.
Helpful links to guide your planning for the Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests 2024
- Link to special promotional poster to assist with your local planning: https://www.worldpriest.com/promotional-material/
- How to promote the Annual Global Rosary Relay https://www.worldpriest.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/GRR-How-to-Promote-24.pdf
- How to participate in this great global event https://www.worldpriest.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/How-to-Participate-24.pdf
- How to pray on the day https://www.worldpriest.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/GRR-How-to-Pray-24.pdf
Full details to aid your prayerful participation are available at this link
This invitation extends to people all over the world to fulfil the heart’s desire of Our Lady for her Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of her much beloved priests.
Bishop Fintan Monahan of the Diocese of Killaloe, Ireland, endorses the promotional video for the Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
New Annual Global Rosary Relay brochure just published in three languages for global circulation
Worldpriest recently produced a special full colour brochure as a complete overview guide to the Annual Global Rosary for the Sanctification of Priests, with financial support from Aid to The Church In Need (ACN) Germany for which we are most grateful and appreciative for their support. Here is a link to the brochure in English, French and Spanish:
This brochure outlines why the Rosary is such an important form of devotion within the Catholic tradition and explains in detail how the relay works around the world on the Feast of the Sacred Heart every year.
It goes on to explain how the event is blessed by the Pope Francis and includes a reflection on the Rosary from Saint John Paul, dating from 8 March 2003.
This is your definitive guide to this inspiring event that causes the world to stop and pray for a full twenty-four hours every year. This year is particularly special as Worldpriest founder Marion Mulhall celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of her calling of vocation on 15 January 1994. Hence during this year she extends her humble prayer request and invites members of all the contemplative orders worldwide to pray continuously for a great spiritual success on 7 June 2024 – Global Rosary Relay Day.
Some personal endorsements from around the world for the Worldpriest Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests
Karachi, Pakistan
The Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay has played a cardinal role in establishing a socio-ecclesiastical relationship between priests and laity through praying the holy Rosary. By participating in this unique annual religious event, praying for the sanctification of priests, providing practical support in its organisation and promoting it through the use of all available media – especially social media – I am happy that integrated socio-ecclesiastical relations between priests and lay believers are being intensified.
Naveed Anjum, Karachi, Pakistan – Worldpriest team member.
Dublin, Ireland
‘Contemplating on Mary as the first disciple of her Son while reciting the rosary with the parish community and participating in the Global Rosary Relay brought a great sense of prayer, contemplation, reassurance and hope to one and all who participated.’
Monsignor Ciaran O’Carroll, Church of the Sacred Heart Donnybrook, Dublin, Ireland.
Sabah, Malaysia
‘What the Global Rosary Relay means to me: The Global Rosary Relay transforms sentiment into fact; intent into concrete action. I know I should pray for priests – the Global Rosary Relay gives me a powerful way to actually do it.’
Melissa Nicholas Palikat, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
To read all endorsements click the followings links
or visit: https://www.worldpriest.com/promotional-material/
Scan the QR Code to visit our website www.worldpriest.com
Botswana wins the Global Rosary Relay Award for 2023
Botswana, located in the Gaborone Diocese of Southern Africa, was the award winner of the prestigious Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay which took place on 16 June 2023. This award fully recognised the outstanding participation and enthusiasm of the people of Botswana during last year’s worldwide prayer event.
The exceptional level of local promotion was an important element in granting this award, combined with the high level of outreach to all deaneries of the Gaborone Diocese as individual events were very effectively organised, including the planning of prayer times. An award presentation plan is currently being planned and we will share pictures through the Worldpriest social media, along with a write-up on all platforms as soon as we receive details from Botswana.
Many congratulations to Fidelma Webb for her commitment in representing the Worldpriest Global Apostolate in South Africa and reaching such a high level of success in 2023.

Father Pinto Paul, C.S.C.,
Leading Families to Faith and Unity:
Father Pinto Paul, C.S.C., Ph.D., isn’t just an International Director; he’s a bridge builder, uniting families in prayer and purpose across continents. At Holy Cross Family Ministries (HCFM), he champions the legacy of Father Patrick Peyton, weaving faith into the fabric of everyday life through events, social media, and global prayer initiatives. His mission? A world where families pray together, stay together, and create ripples of peace.
A Journey of Leadership and Service:
Father Pinto’s path is paved with experience. From campus ministry at Stonehill College to co-founding the RERDI initiative supporting education in India and Bangladesh, he’s a natural leader who walks the talk. His academic credentials, including a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and degrees in Philosophy and Theology, equip him with the knowledge to guide and inspire.
From Kerala to the World:
Born in Kerala, India, Father Pinto brings a rich cultural tapestry to his role. His multilingual fluency makes him a citizen of the world, bridging cultures and hearts through faith. In his free time, you might find him catching a game, engaging on social media, enjoying a movie, or devouring an audiobook. But at his core, he’s driven by mottos of service and self-improvement, constantly striving to be a better version of himself and a catalyst for positive change.
Connect with Father Pinto:
Follow him on social media to stay inspired by his message of family unity and global peace. Join the HCFM community and experience the power of shared prayer. Father Pinto Paul isn’t just a leader; he’s an invitation to join a movement where families thrive, and faith illuminates the world.
Rosary Garden, at Holy Cross Family Ministries, North Easton, MA
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayer begins at 18.00 hours sharp prayer concluding at 18.30 hours sharp. This time of prayer is also a live broadcast by Radio Maria Ireland to 190 countries worldwide.
This is a global Radio Broadcast so please log in on time to join a world community at prayer.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Pinto Paul C.S.C.
Venerable Patrick Peyton C.S.C.,
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Pinto prayer responder Mark McElrath. Executive Director Santiago Retreat Center Orange County, USA.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – to be prayed by Father Pinto prayer responder Amelia only 9 years old and a member of the Children’s Rosary Group.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – to be prayed by Father Pinto prayer responder Niall Kennedy Chairman Worldpriest Global Apostolate Ireland.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – to be prayed by Father Pinto prayer responder Valerie Parzyck Director Family Faith Formation St. John Vianney Parish Church South Burlington, Vermont USA.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – to be prayed by Father Pinto prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing by Father Pinto Paul C.S.C. to all prayer participants.
On the 25 January 2024 Father Dave Heney from St. Bruno Catholic Church in Whittier, CA, led our special Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father Dave Heney with our recording of this beautiful time of prayer https://youtu.be/nkxcKfAtU-Q?si=PpPl0i6Ax6sKmrFj
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Father Dave Heney
Fr. Dave Heney grew up in Thousand Oaks, CA, and was ordained a parish priest for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in 1978. In 1991, he received a Master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling from the University of Southern California.
He is the author of “Motivating Your Parish to Change” – a book on parish leadership from Resource Publications, and “Don’t Tell Me What to Do!” – a concise Catholic view of modern moral issues, with an Imprimatur from the Los Angeles Archdiocese, published by Paulist Press in 2002. His latest books are “Luke 10 Leadership, how to succeed at parish ministry” published by Ave Maria Press, and “Physics & Faith: from light to life,” an eBook on Amazon.com.
Since 2001, Fr. Dave has been the local Ventura County Chaplain for LEGATUS, a national Catholic business leaders association.
In 2002 he started The University Series, a large multi-parish adult education program during Lent with an annual attendance of over 15,000 people.
An amateur archaeologist, Fr. Dave has led an archeology-based pilgrimage to the Holy Land every year since 2006. In 2007, he joined The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher, a Vatican organization that supports the Catholic Church in the Holy land.
In 2014, He finished his 12-year term as pastor of his home parish in Thousand Oaks, and began a sabbatical year as a Visiting Research Fellow at the Center of Ethics and Culture at Notre Dame University.
He is now the pastor of St. Bruno Catholic Church in Whittier, CA, and working on expanding The University Series there and in other areas of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
For two years, he was a Co-Host on Relevant Radio (AM 930 in Los Angeles) on the “Joe Sikorra Show with Fr. Dave” a call-in talk show on marriage and family issues, and for several years led the live interactive Relevant Radio program, Family Rosary Across America.
St. Bruno Catholic Church in Whittier, CA
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. Zoom Room will open at 17.45 hours; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours sharp as this time of prayer is a also a live broadcast by Radio Maria Ireland to 190 countries worldwide throughout all of 2024 concluding at exactly 18.30 hours sharp.
This is also a global Radio Broadcast so please log in early to join a world community at prayer.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome by Marion and introduction to Father Dave Heney by Scott Turicchi a friend to the Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Los Angeles California USA, to our 25 January 2024 Rosary Thursday Prayer time led by Father Dave Heney.
Prayer leaders will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with special guided meditations/reflections for each decade by Father Dave Heney.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – to be prayed by Father Dave – prayer responders Rick and Molly Jesse friends to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Burlington Vermont USA.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – prayer responder Scott Turicchi a friend to Worldpriest Global Apostolate from Los Angeles California USA.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – prayer responder Niall Kennedy Chairman Worldpriest Global Apostolate Ireland.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – prayer responder Ivette Margarita Valle Konstantopoulou, a friend to Worldpriest from Pyrgos in Greece.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing by Father Dave Heney
to all prayer participants at 18.30 hours sharp.
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall

Christmas Reflection by Venerable Patrick Peyton C.S.C.
Mary’s visitation
Because Mary was ordinary – that is a really human being, unselfish, heart full of affection – this mystery tells me something remarkable about loving God. The God-Man was now divinely conceived in her womb. Keep to your quiet home, Mary, (we might have advised) and love Him, love Him alone. But Mary knows this secret about loving God: to love God alone is to love Him not at all. Of her Son’s commandment, “Love one another,” Mary’s visitation was an unconscious prophecy.
Loving God requires that I love everyone else – even those I cannot like! How do I do that? Practice seeing Christ in others, and act accordingly. “What you do for others, you do to me.” Christ meant that.
“Mary and Joseph found accommodations in one of Bethlehem’s hillside caves. It offered some protection from the biting cold of a December night, nothing more. Air, heavy with moisture seeping through damp earthen walls; stifling odours of cattle; darkness made all the more emphatic by a lantern’s frail light and the smallest patch of night horizon, too low for stars – yes, there would be room here. And here, Mary and Joseph loved God as He was never loved on earth.
God can be loved – wholeheartedly – anywhere. Loving God does not depend on the kind of a place I’m in – it depends on the kind of a person I am.” Father Peyton’s Rosary Prayer Book;
May we wish all cardinals, bishops, priests, friends, benefactors, Global Rosary Relay participants, Rosary Thursday participants, Worldpriest representatives, volunteers, and all members of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate team a very happy Christmas a holy and a blessed New Year for 2024.
“May the message of Christmas fill your heart with eternal hope, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”
Marion Mulhall
Founder – Worldpriest Global Apostolate

As we approach the end of 2023, we reflect on yet another year of many graces and blessings, in which we experienced great success and fulfilment for the Worldpriest apostolate. This was a year that touched the lives of millions of people all around the world and brought great comfort and joy to many.
Outstanding participation in the Annual Global Rosary Relay
In 2023 we again witnessed a significant increase in participation in the Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests, as the number of people joining in prayer from all around the world rose to astonishing new heights.
There were an estimated three billion Hail Marys prayed worldwide, as more and more people joined in what is now one of the largest of the prayer events in the world. Global, national and local television broadcasts combined with mass communications media and technology-based social media platforms once again boosted participation on an unprecedented scale. This included EWTN Global Catholic TV Network USA with global, national and local broadcasts. Good News TV Karachi Pakistan, Catholic TV Network Boston USA and Radio Maria also promoted the event.
Holy Cross Family Ministries Offices in Nsambya, Kampala join the Global Rosary Relay from Africa.
Many people took the initiative at countless new local prayer locations worldwide – particularly in the United States – and organised their own Rosary Relay. As part of this additional awareness of outreach, people downloaded the Worldpriest promotional material about how to participate and how to pray on the day from our website and prayed both individually and with others in their general locality. This illustrated the speed and spread of the good news as people became aware that a special world event was taking place and ensured that they too would be part of this Global Rosary Relay prayer day.
A group from Fort Lauderdale in Florida USA prayed no less than four different times throughout the entire day, leading to a full night’s vigil of prayer and Eucharistic adoration as they gave thanks in particular for the priests by name in their local community, along with offering the intentions of all priests worldwide. This year once again every one of the fifty American states had a participating prayer location and our prayer for 2024 is that participation will spread to many deaneries within more dioceses.
Parishioners from St. John’s (Wagner) and Assumption (Dante) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, gathered to participate in the Global Rosary Relay time of prayer.
New brochure in three languages
We are now engaged in the production of a beautiful and informative new Annual Global Rosary Relay brochure which will be produced in three languages – English, French and Spanish and will become available in print format and to download online in the near future.
The realisation of this project was made possible through the financial support of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN), for which we are most grateful.
Participation by children
The Children’s Rosary Group joined in prayer from many of the Worldpriest prayer locations worldwide this year and it was so wonderful to have the little children praying along with their parents and families. Since the very first Rosary Relay the children’s group has been a valid partner to the Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
A special event at Lourdes
At the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes in France the Global Rosary Relay was prayed in four different languages at four different times. There were live television broadcasts and full use of all social media also provided an outstanding prayer outreach achievement. So well done to all who made that landmark event happen in Lourdes.
Thank you to all our participants
A big thanks must go to all the people who through their hard work and continued commitment contributed to this great success, in particular to all the Worldpriest Global Apostolate representatives the world over who ensured that the word was spread to every corner of the globe, all contributing a beautiful gift to Our Lady in thanksgiving for our priests – men who daily serve the people of God entrusted to their care around the world.
Award to be announced
The Annual Global Rosary Relay Award winners for outstanding promotion and participation for 2023 will go to a location in the eastern hemisphere. More details of this award will follow, so watch out for big news to come.
Planning ahead to 2024
We are already well advanced in our plans for next year’s Annual Global Rosary Relay prayer event, which will take place on 7 June 2024. Worldpriest Global Apostolate will promote this event, which leads up to the special Jubilee Year preparations which have already begun as requested by Pope Francis. https://www.worldpriest.com/annual-global-rosary-relay/
Celebrating the sixth anniversary of Rosary Thursday
Worldpriest celebrates the sixth anniversary of Worldpriest Rosary Thursday, a unique prayer concept that was launched on 22 December 2017. For full details see:https://www.worldpriest.com/rosary-thursday/
Father Philip Steiner OSB from the Benedictine Abbey of Our Lady of Einsiedeln, Switzerland.
Thanking our Worldpriest Virtual Rosary leaders
We also celebrate the third year of the Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursdays, prayed on the last Thursday of each month as we reflect on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary for the Sanctification of Priests, led by a priest prayer guide, with inspirational meditations attracting increasing numbers of people to join prayerfully as part of a global community united in prayer at various locations worldwide. To name but a few great priests who led the Virtual Rosary for 2023, firstly on Thursday 30 March there was Bishop François Beyrouti from the USA, who was enthroned at Annunciation Melkite Catholic Cathedral in Boston, Massachusetts on 19 October 2022 and whose role as prayer leader was very special. https://youtu.be/Q5NXajx2b64
On 31 August Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday was led by Father Philip Steiner OSB from the Benedictine Abbey of Our Lady of Einsiedeln, Switzerland. Again this was a great blessing to all who joined in that memorable time of prayer. https://youtu.be/MHot5BoFaXw
For 2024 we are already almost fully booked, with exceptional priest prayer leaders lined up to facilitate participants every month throughout the coming New Year via Zoom.
Ireland’s International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine at Knock, County Mayo.
Holy Cross Family Ministries (HCFM) Global Leadership Conference
The 2023 conference took place recently at Knock, County Mayo in the west of Ireland. Holy Cross Family Ministry priests gathered from Hollywood in California to Kampala in Africa – literally from all over the world for this very special event. For HCFM Ireland who hosted this week-long conference, it was a great gift of inspiration and mission renewal, as it included a very special visit to Attymass County Mayo, the birthplace of Venerable Patrick Peyton. We walked the roads he walked and prayed in the church where he prayed on so many occasions. We also enjoyed the beautiful scenery of such a very remote, totally unspoilt and majestic part of Ireland and visited the place of rest of his parents, just outside Attymass.
Marion Mulhall, founder of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate was invited by Father Pinto Paul C.S.C. as a guest speaker, sharing her story of vocation and outreach mission to the world, which indeed was a great honour. To meet face-to-face for the first time with so many Holy Cross priests and lay faithful representatives who had previously only been in communication with Worldpriest via social media as we planned their participation in the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay was a source of great joy to experience.
Last Virtual Rosary Thursday for the year 2023
On 30 November 2023 Father Michael McGuckian S.J., led this special Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your choosing pray with Father Michael McGuckian S.J., using our recording of this time of prayer. https://youtu.be/07EeD3aMhvM?si=kApQfXe6cFCg3L8y
NOTE: 25 January first Virtual Rosary Thursday for 2024
The first Virtual Rosary Thursday of the New Year will be led by Father Dave Heney, St. Bruno Catholic Church, Whittier, California, USA. https://daveheney.com/ This time of prayer will be a live broadcast by Radio Maria Ireland to 190 countries worldwide.

Father Bernard J. McGuckian S.J.
Like many millions of people across the globe you may already be praying the Rosary on Thursdays. Worldpriest is now naming each Thursday as Rosary Thursday and invites you to offer your Rosary on that day for the sanctification of priests, which is also the Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay prayer intention. On the last Thursday of each month The Worldpriest Global Apostolate is planning a virtual Rosary Thursday.
This prayer time for Rosary Thursday will take the form of a virtual Rosary at 6 p.m. local Rome time, being prayed for the sanctification of priests and the intentions of Pope Francis. Everyone around the world – regardless of their location – will be very welcome to join in this important time of prayer However; all participants will need to register by simply clicking on the link below.
Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare, Ireland
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome and introduction to our Rosary Thursday Prayer time by Bernard J. McGuckian S.J.
Bernard J. McGuckian S.J. is an Irish Jesuit priest, currently working at the People’s Church, Clongowes Wood College, Co. Kildare. Since ordination in 1970 his main apostolate has been as Director of the international Pioneer Total Abstinence Association of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and editor of Pioneer, its monthly magazine (founded 1948). The membership of this Jesuit-inspired Association is mainly to be found in English-speaking countries, especially in Africa, where the growth in recent years has been phenomenal. The members commit themselves to life-long abstinence from alcohol and daily prayer to the Sacred Heart for victims of alcohol abuse. A Jesuit apostolate since its foundation in 1898 it has recently been entrusted to laity in December 2019.
During 1989-91 Fr McGuckian was based in Africa where he was directly involved in the establishment and spiritual direction of the Sisters of Emmanuel, now a thriving religious congregation in Kenya. Over the years his special interest has been Sacred Heart spirituality. He is one of three brothers who are Jesuit priests. Michael is currently based in Ankara, Turkey and the youngest, Alan is Bishop of the Diocese of Raphoe Ireland.
Father Barney McGuckian was appointed Chaplain to the Worldpriest Global Apostolate in November 2019.
Register Here
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. It will open at 17.50 hours, local Rome time; the prayers begin at 18.00 hours, concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer reflecting the daylight-saving time change.
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
UK/IRELAND: – 17.00
The following people will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with guided meditations for each decade by Father Barney McGuckian S.J our Worldpriest Chaplain.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – To be prayed by Father Barney McGuckian S.J. Prayer responder John and Bridie O’Grady friends of Worldpriest from Chicago USA.
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – To be prayed by Father Barney McGuckian S.J. Prayer responder Isabel Gillis Worldpriest Representative for Canada.
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – To be prayed by Father Barney McGuckian S.J. Prayer responder Anne Brady Worldpriest Director Ireland.
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – To be prayed by Barney McGuckian S.J.– Prayer responder Dermot Mannion International Coordinator for Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay and Worldpriest Associate.
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – Barney McGuckian S.J. Prayer responder Marion Mulhall Founder Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
Final prayers by Father Barney McGuckian S.J. with a final blessing.
On the 26 October 2023 Father Willie Purcell from Ireland led our special Worldpriest Virtual Rosary Thursday time of prayer along with friends of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate. At any time of your selecting pray with Father Willie Purcell with our recording of this beautiful time of prayer
Register Here
To register, just click on the link provided here.
If you have any questions, please contact;
Marion Mulhall