On 14 November 2017, the feast of Saint Laurence O’Toole, Principal Patron of the Dublin Diocese,two young men – Bill O’Shaughnessy and James Daly – were raised to the priesthood in Dublin’s St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.
Speaking at the ordination the Archbishop of Dublin, The Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, addressed the two deacons saying:
“Dear Bill and James. Firstly may I thank you for the way in which you have prepared for this day and for the challenging life that opens out for you today. They have been long years but you never lost your own passion to be priests. The clergy and the people of this diocese welcome you and I know they will accompany your ministry with their prayers. Once again, I thank your families for the way in which they nurtured your Christian faith over the years and those who were responsible for your formation”.
He went on to say:“Where then Bill and James must you root the foundations of your following the law of God’s love in a changing Ireland? It is the same question that I must ask of myself and each of us must ask as priests, religious or lay Christians. We have to rediscover a faith that integrates our lives as Laurence O’Toole did. We need a faith where theology and prayer, witness and care of the poor belong together and can influence the world around us and make society more loving.”
At the invitation of Archbishop Martin, Marion Mulhall and Niall Kennedy of Worldpriest, along with their camera crew, were privileged to attend the ordination ceremony and to have had the opportunity to serve our Archdiocese in filming the proceedings, the subject of which is at the very heart of the Worldpriest Global Apostolate.
We now ask all to pray for Father Bill O’Shaughnessy and Father James Daly. “Prayer and solitude, true pastoral care for the people entrusted to you, being a friend of the poor: these are characteristics of Saint Laurence O’Toole which should be part of the inspiration and motivation of the ministry to whichthe Church calls you today”, said Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, during his powerful homily.
Both of these young priests will also share in the worldwide prayers of our Worldpriest Annual Global Rosary Relay for the Sanctification of Priests, which takes place each year on the feast of the Sacred Heart.
Click on this link to read the full homily delivered by the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, Archbishop of Dublin,at the ordination ceremony at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral.
An overview version of the ordination of Father Bill O’ Shaughnessy and Father James Daly is available on YouTube
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