Archbishop Michael Neary DD
On the last Thursday of each month The Worldpriest Global Apostolate is hosting a virtual Rosary Thursday.
In 2002 Pope John Paul II invited Catholics to pray the Mysteries of Light on Thursdays. These mysteries focus on the public life of Jesus .
Archbishop Michael Neary was born 15 April 1946 in Castlebar, Co. Mayo. He received his early education at St. Patrick’s Boys National School, Castlebar and St. Jarlath’s College, Tuam. He then studied at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth and was ordained to the priesthood on 15 June 1971.
Earning a doctorate in Divinity in 1975, he served as a curate in Belclare for one year, before being appointed to the staff at the Presentation College, Headford. From 1978 to 1981, he furthered his studies at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, earning a licentiate of Sacred Scripture; during that time he was also spiritual director at the Pontifical Irish College. On his return he joined the staff at Holy Rosary College, Mountbellew, and served as a curate in Moylough.
In 1982 he was appointed lecturer in Sacred Scripture at St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, becoming professor of New Testament in 1991. On 20 May 1992, Archbishop Michael Neary was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Tuam and Titular Bishop of Quaestoriana by Pope John Paul II. He received his episcopal consecration on the following 13 September from Archbishop Joseph Cassidy, with Archbishops Emanuele Gerada and Joseph Cunnane serving as co-consecrators. He was named Archbishop of Tuam on 17 January 1995.
Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tuam
This prayer time for Rosary Thursday will take the form of a virtual Rosary at 18.00 local Rome time, being prayed for the sanctification of priests and the intentions of Pope Francis. Everyone around the world – regardless of their location – will be very welcome to join in this important time of prayer However; all participants will need to register by simply clicking on the link below.
This virtual Rosary Thursday will make use of Zoom technology. It will open at 17.40 hours, the prayers begin at 18.00 hours, concluding at 18.30 hours.
The following time zones will assist your time of prayer
USA/CANADA – Eastern Time: 12.00
USA/CANADA – Central Time: 11.00
USA/CANADA – Mountain Time: 10.00
Ireland’s International Eucharistic & Marian Shrine located in the Archdiocese of Tuam
This virtual Rosary Thursday will include a welcome and introduction to our Rosary Thursday Prayer time by Archbishop Michael Neary DD
The following people will pray the Luminous Mysteries in the following order, with guided meditations for each decade by Archbishop Michael Neary.
- First Luminous Mystery –The Baptism of the Lord in the Jordan – Archbishop Michael Neary
- Second Luminous Mystery – Wedding Feast of Cana – Niall Kennedy KCSG Chairman of Worldpriest
- Third Luminous Mystery – Proclamation of the Kingdom – Anne Brady Director Worldpriest
- Fourth Luminous Mystery – The Transfiguration of Our Lord – Marion Mulhall Founder WorldPriest Global Apostolate
- Fifth Luminous Mystery – The Institution of the Eucharist – Joe Farrugia Malta Worldpriest Representative for Malta
Final rosary prayers with a special blessing by Archbishop Neary.
Register here
To register, just click on the link provided here. You can register now as registration is open.
If you have any questions please contact;
Marion Mulhall
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